Man Pokes Mysterious Fuzzy Mass and Provokes a Nightmarish Avalanche of Daddy Longlegs
Paglo Barroeta prodded what looked like a pile of fuzz, he inadvertently disturbed a clump of daddy longlegs. The result: a nightmarish avalanche of arachnids.…

Old Belgian Water Tower Converted Into a Single Family Home
Chateau d’eau is 100-foot-tall Belgian water tower that was recently converted into a single family home. Built in 1938, the brick and concrete tower now…

A Day in the Life of San Francisco’s Delfina Restaurant

More Wonderfully Bizarre Surrealist Paintings by Paco Pomet
Back in 2011 we posted a few delightfully surreal paintings by artist Paco Pomet. Since then Pomet has painted quite a few more—be sure to…

Laser-Cut Wooden Rings That Feature Mini Dioramas
UK-based designer Clive Roddy has made a series of laser-cut wooden rings with tiny landscape dioramas sprouting out of them. They come in three flavors:…

Does Being Cold Make You Sick? by AsapScience
Mitchell Moffit and Gregory Brown of AsapSCIENCE delve into the controversial relationship between cold temperatures and illness in their latest video, “Does Being Cold Make…

2013 Year in Review: Breaking Down the Numbers by The New York Times
The New York Times looks at 2013 by the numbers, from the year’s 134 million births to Justin Bieber’s 44 minute retirement, in “2013 Year…

Isaac Asimov’s Predictions for the Year 2014 That He Made For 50 Years in the Future in 1964
Issac Asimov in 1965 After visiting the New York World’s Fair in 1964, Isaac Asimov was inspired to make some predictions about the world in…

Bizarrely Augmented Taxidermy Bird Sculptures
For her series “Becoming Otherwise,” artist Karley Feaver created a menagerie of taxidermy bird sculptures that have been augmented with additional wings, golden beaks, human…

What Height Would Humans Reach If They Kept Growing As Fast As a Baby? by xkcd
In the latest installment of what if?, xkcd takes on the hypothetical question “what height would humans reach if we kept growing through our whole…