Beautiful Aerial Footage of Cambodia Shot With a Drone
While shooting a documentary in Cambodia two months ago, filmmaker Roberto Serrini shot this beautiful aerial footage of the country with a DJI Phantom drone…
SciShow Explains the Many Gaseous Emissions of the Human Body
Hank Green of SciShow explains the science of the human body’s “gaseous emissions” in “Why Do We Burp and Fart (So Much)?!”
A Dance Performance That Features One Dancer and Many Plastic Bags
A performer dances with a lively troupe of plastic bags in the performance piece “L’Après-Midi d’un Foehn” by French performance troupe Compagnie Non Nova. The…
Circadian Rhythm and Your Brain’s Clock by SciShow
Hank Green of SciShow explains how circadian rhythms work and how they regulate our bodies in “Circadian Rhythm and Your Brain’s Clock.”
Elderly British Actors Reenact a Mind-Boggling YouTube Comment Discussion About Nelson Mandela’s Death
British actors Grahame Edwards and Eryl Lloyd Parry reenact a mind-boggling YouTube comment discussion for the video “Nelson Mandela Is Dead – Official News” in…
Hilariously Bizarre Animated GIF Portraits
A post shared by ?u??n?? u???o? (@romain_laurent)…
John Updike Talks About Family and Work in 2002 Interview Animated by PBS
In the latest animation from the PBS interview series Blank on Blank, author John Updike recounts how he balanced family life with his career in…
Danger: Humans, A Terrifying Look at the Human Race from the Perspective of Aliens
The short film “Danger: Humans” by Tom Scott is a terrifying look at the human species from the perspective of extraterrestrials. It is based on…
360°Books Open to Reveal 360 Degrees of Cut Paper Illustrations
Japanese artist and architect Yusuke Oono has created a series of books that recount famous tales like Snow White and The Jungle Book in cut…
Countless Ice Balls Floating on the Shores of Lake Michigan
Countless ice balls crowd the shoreline of Lake Michigan in Glen Arbor, Michigan in this short video uploaded to YouTube earlier this week by Bob…