Walking Men, A Public Art Installation Featuring Different Walk Signals From Around the World
Walking Men is a public art installation featuring photos of different walk signals from around the world. The installation was created by photographer Maya Barkai,…
The Flatmobile, A Flattened Version of the Batmobile That is Only 19 Inches Tall
At just 19 inches in height, the Flatmobile was at one time the world’s lowest street legal car (it was surpassed a few years back…
Musician Leonard Solomon Performs the ‘Tiger Rag’ on His Homemade Callioforte
In this delightful video, musician Leonard Solomon performs a rousing rendition of the jazz standard “Tiger Rag” on his Callioforte, a calliope-like instrument of his…
The Barbarian Group’s Endless ‘Superdesk’ Seats All 125 Employees at Their New Manhattan Office
photo by Michael Moran Digital creative agency The Barbarian Group recently moved into a new office in New York City complete with a sprawling continuous…
Tangram States, A Map of the United States Made up of Tangram Shapes
Designer Ryan Arruda has created a map of the United States out Tangram-style geometric shapes that he calls, appropriately enough, “Tangram States.” He is pre-selling…
Voicemail Diaries, A Collaborative Art Project That Invites the Public to Call in Answers to Questions About Life
The Voicemail Diaries is a collaborative audio art project created by artist Jeff Lam that poses questions about life and invites the public to call…
Campaign Seeks to Save the Steel from the Old San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge East Span for Re-Use
A campaign has been launched to urge agencies managing the demolition of the old eastern span of the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge to save the…
The Curious Case of the Upside Down Traffic Light in Syracuse, NY
In the Tipperary Hill neighborhood of Syracuse, New York there is a traffic light that is upside down, with the green light on top and…
Beautiful Time-Lapse of the Night Sky Over Joshua Tree National Park
Filmmaker Gavin Heffernan recently visited Joshua Tree National Park and shot this stunning time-lapse video of the night sky overhead. During the shoot he captured…
Artist Launches Poster Campaign to Find a Handsome Stranger She Spotted on the New York City Subway
After locking eyes with a handsome stranger on the subway in New York City last fall, artist Maria Luisa Portuondo Vila launched “Missing Love,” a…