Disney’s Couture Ear Hats
“Peacock” 2013 is being called the “Year of the Ear” at Disney parks and, as part of that theme, they will be releasing a collection…

Cats In Pajamas, A Bizarre Music Video by GnarBoots
The music video for “Cats in Pajamas” by Oakland, California band GnarBoots is a great combination of funny, bizarre, and even creepy. The single is…

PaleoBarefoots, Chainmail Shoes for Running
German company GoSt-Barefoots has developed PaleoBarefoots, a pair of minimalist chainmail shoes made for running in natural settings (not pavement). They are constructed out of…
Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Footie PJs for Grownups
The Ghostbusters Hooded Footie is a pair of adult pajamas that will make you look like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. They are available to…

Maymo the Puppy vs. An Orange
Maymo the lemon beagle puppy, of ultimate dog shaming fame, took on an orange half in an entertaining battle. submitted via Laughing Squid Tips

‘Knife Guys’ Will Ferrell & Ryan Gosling Shill Knives on Late Night TV
“We sell knives at 11:30, everybody knows that.” Will Ferrell and Ryan Gosling, aka the “Knife Guys,” showed up at their time slot to shill…

We Were All Female, Why Men Have Nipples Explained by AsapScience
“Science has a confession to all the gentlemen out there: they all started out as female. Which helps to explain why they have nipples…” In…

Veronica Belmont Rides the Gigantic Robotic Mondo Spider at CES 2013
“It’s like driving a tank.” At CES 2013, Veronica Belmont took an opportunity to ride the Mondo Spider, an eight-legged robotic walking machine.

Beertone, A Beer Reference Guide That Looks Like a Color Swatch Book
Beertone is a detailed reference guide for beer that looks like a Pantone color swatch book. It currently catalogs 202 Swiss beers by their color…

Bay Guardian & Examiner Publisher Buys Competitor SF Weekly
SFGate Blog is reporting that alternative San Francisco newspaper, SF Weekly, has been purchased by San Francisco Newspaper Co., the publisher of rival alt-paper San…