Beautiful LEGO, A Book Featuring LEGO Masterpieces Built by Designers Worldwide
LEGO artist Mike Doyle has developed a new book with No Starch Press titled Beautiful LEGO. The book is a compendium of amazing LEGO models built by designers from around the world. Beautiful LEGO is available to purchase online from No Starch Press and Amazon. We’ve previously written about Mike’s incredible collection of LEGO artwork.
Mix hundreds of thousands of LEGO bricks with dozens of artists, and what do you get? Beautiful LEGO, a compendium of LEGO artwork that showcases a stunning array of pieces ranging from incredibly lifelike replicas of everyday objects and famous monuments to imaginative renderings of spaceships, mansions, and mythical creatures.
You’ll also meet the minds behind the art. Interviews with the artists take you inside the creative process that turns simple, plastic bricks into remarkable LEGO masterpieces.
images via Mike Doyle’s Snap
via Colossal