SuperF*ckers, New Animated Comedy Web Series by James Kochalka
SuperF*ckers is a new animated comedy Cartoon Hangover web series created by comic artist James Kochalka (based off of his Top Shelf comic series) and directed by Fran Krause that follows a team of teenage superheroes who do more swearing, smoking and drinking (rather than acting “super”). Season One will be aired exclusively on Frederator Studios‘ new online Cartoon Hangover and SuperF*ckers YouTube channels with 12 five-minute episodes each Friday through the first quarter of 2013, with one mid-season break. Veronica Belmont (Tekzilla) and Dave Faustino (Married with Children) and Jaleel White (Family Matters) are only a few of the famed talents voice acting in the series.
Princess Sunshine, Computer Fist – Maria Bamford
Vortex, Orange Lightning – Justin Roiland
Grotus, Shitstorm – James Kochalka