Derek, A New Comedy Drama Series by Ricky Gervais
Derek is a new comedy drama television series about a retirement home worker named Derek Noakes and is written, directed and starring Ricky Gervais. The series co-stars Karl Pilkington as “Dougie” and premieres April 12, 2012 on British television station Channel 4. The trailers and outtakes were recently posted and look great.
Derek Noakes is a tender, innocent man whose love for his job and the people he cares for shines through.
He’s 49, adores animals, Rolf Harris, Jesus, Deal or No Deal, Million Pound Drop and Britain’s Got Talent – but his main hobby is autograph hunting.
Derek works in a retirement home with his mate and landlord, Dougie. Derek cares deeply for old people because they’re kind and funny and tell him stories about the olden days.
Hannah is a care worker at the home and is Derek’s best friend. She’s smart, witty and hard-working, but unlucky in love, and, like Derek, always puts other people first.
via Ricky Gervais