Coney Island Love Letter
“Coney Island Love Letter” is a charming short film that highlights the rich visuals of Coney Island. The film is directed by Robert Kolodny of…
NYC Department of Records Releases 870,000 Historical Photos Online
The New York City Department of Records has launched an online gallery featuring 870,000 historical photos, maps, audio and motion picture recordings dating as far…
A Roller Coaster That Shakes Up Tang
Lightning in a Bottle 2012 Art, Music & Performance Festival
The annual Lightning in a Bottle festival celebrates art, music, performance, sustainability and life. It takes place May 24-28, 2012 at the Oak Canyon Ranch…
A Tour of the Burning Man Headquarters in San Francisco
Last week while I was in San Francisco I stopped by to see my old friends at Burning Man. I was really involved with the…
Pizza Cupcakes
San Diego-based food blog Kirbie’s Cravings has concocted Pizza Cupcakes, a recipe for savory pizza-like cupcakes (technically, muffins) that are filled and topped with tiny…
Descriptive Camera by Matt Richardson
The Descriptive Camera by NYU ITP grad student Matt Richardson is an experimental camera that only outputs a text description of whatever is photographed. It…
Snobar Dessert Shop Sells Feathery Cotton Candy-Like Shaved Ice
Snobar is a dessert shop in West Hollywood, California that serves SNO, a “natural & refreshing flavor infused shaved snow ice.” It is described as…
Wheel Blades, Skis for Wheelchairs
Wheel Blades are ski attachments for a wheelchair that allow wheelchair users to remain mobile even in snowy and icy conditions. Normally the small front…
Retro Bobby, Film Short Features a Danish Hair Salon That is Also a Retro Gaming & Toy Store
Ruben & Bobby is an awesome hair salon and retro gaming and toy store in Copenhagen, Denmark. The store’s owner Bobby Ã…gren explains why he…