The Eagleman Stag, Stunning Stop Motion Animation by Mikey Please
“The Eagleman Stag” by Mikey Please is a stunning stop motion animation about a time-obsessed entomologist who discovers a beetle that can cheat death. Please…
Waffle Jelly Shots, Gelatin-Based Breakfast Cocktail Shots
The Jelly Shot Test Kitchen has posted recipes for Waffle Jelly Shots, gelatin-based breakfast cocktail shots. The first one is called Classic Waffle and contains…
I Just Saved a Bunch of Money on My Car Insurance by Switching…
I Just Saved a Bunch of Money on My Car Insurance by Switching… on Someecards
Jon Hamm Doing a Freestyle Rap With Reggie Watts About 1970s TV Show Taxi
Here’s Jon Hamm of Mad Men doing a freestyle rap about the 1970s TV series Taxi to the musical accompaniment of Reggie Watts. The clip…
Photoville, A Photographic Village Made From Shipping Containers
Brooklyn-based art cooperative United Photo Industries will host Photoville, a large-scale photographic village created with shipping containers in Brooklyn Bridge Park in summer 2012. Photoville…
Steps Involved In Writing an Email
Steps Involved In Writing an Email on Doghouse Diaries
Wordless Web, A Bookmarklet That Removes Text From Websites
Wordless Web is an ingenious bookmarklet that removes all the text from a website with the click of a button. The bookmarklet is by Ji…
Raku Bar, An 18-Foot Tall Bar in the Shape of a Tiki Listed For Sale
Lisa Luxe on the Raku Bar photo by Scott Evanskey Ignacio Gonzalez (aka Notch) of Top Notch Kustoms created Raku Bar, a one-of-a-kind 18-foot-tall bar…
Instagram Socialmatic Camera Concept
The Instagram Socialmatic Camera is a design concept for a combination digital camera and photo printer for Instagram. The camera would include replaceable paper and…
Cat Insists That Cabinet Door Stay Open No Matter What
This cat is pretty adamant that the cabinet door absolutely must stay open under all circumstances.