Teenage Mutant Koopa Troopas, Animated Mashup of ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ & ‘Super Mario Bros.’
Writer, animator and director James Farr has created “Teenage Mutant Koopa Troopas,” a fantastic animated mashup of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Super Mario…
Real Monsters, Psychological Conditions Illustrated as Monsters
Illustrator Toby Allen has created “Real Monsters,” a series of illustrations depicting psychological conditions as monsters. The artwork is not at all intended to make…
Senior Citizens React to ‘The Fox’ Music Video by Ylvis
The latest video in the Elders React web series by Benny & Rafi Fine of The Fine Brothers shows senior citizens viewing, reacting to, and…
Modern Video Games as Classic Little Golden Books, Volume Two
“The Good Little Shepard” – Mass Effect Los Angeles artist Joey Spiotto (aka “Joebot“) has released volume two of his illustration series where he reimagines…
Grumpy Cat Tastes the Rainbow, A Painting by Olechka
Olga Shvartsur (aka “Olechka“) has created “Grumpy Cat Tastes the Rainbow,” a watercolor and acrylic painting of the popular internet feline Grumpy Cat. Prints, iPhone…
Conan O’Brien Plays & Reviews ‘Grand Theft Auto V’ For His ‘Clueless Gamer’ Series
On a recent episode of Clueless Gamer, host Conan O’Brien destroys vehicles, biker gangs and strip clubs as he plays and reviews the 2013 open…
Volkswagen Ad Channels 1980s Hit ‘Take On Me’ By A-ha
“Feeling Carefree” is a commercial for Volkswagen that is a throwback to the popular song and music video from 1985 for “Take On Me” by…
Nearly Impossible, A New York City Conference for Makers & Sellers of Physical Products
Nearly Impossible, a conference for makers & sellers of physical products, takes place November 7 and 8 in Brooklyn. The conference will feature a series…
7th Annual NYC Food Film Festival
The 7th annual NYC Food Film Festival, a “cinematic scratch n’ sniff” where food-themed film screenings are paired with food tastings, takes place at at…