Puppy Has an Epic Battle With a Doorstop
A vicious puppy has an epic — and very noisy — battle with a doorstop in this funny video by Petsami.
Placing a Red Hot Ball of Nickel on Aerogel
In this video, Carsandwater demonstrates what happens when a red hot ball of nickel is placed on top of aerogel, a super-light synthetic material. Previously…
Ten-Year-Old Girl Jumps Over Hurdles Like a Horse
Ten-year-old Anna Salander jumps over hurdles like a horse using her hands and feet in this video by Gunnel Henricsson.
Pedometer++, An iPhone 5s App For Tracking Your Daily Steps
Pedometer++ is an app for iOS that uses the new M7 motion co-processor in the iPhone 5s to dynamically track users’ steps in a day…
Friendly Platypus Plays Around & Gets Belly Rubs
A friendly platypus plays around, gets belly rubs, and is hand-fed by a human at the Healesville Sanctuary in Victoria, Australia. The platypus even shows…
The Most Horrifying Parasites by AsapScience
AsapSCIENCE host Mitchell Moffit informs viewers about gross and scary parasites in his latest video, “The Most Horrifying Parasites.” submitted via Laughing Squid Tips
Died in House, A Website For Finding Out If Someone Died in Your House
Died in House is a website that claims to be able to tell you if someone died in your house. The site’s disclaimer cautions that…
The Day of the Doctor, A 75-Minute Special Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of ‘Doctor Who’
The BBC has released a trailer for “The Day of the Doctor,” a 75-minute special celebrating the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who. The trailer is…
The Walking Dead: A Decade of Dead, Documentary Celebrating Ten Years of the TV & Comic Series
Skybound, Hyundai, Future US, and Hero Initiative have teamed up to create The Walking Dead: A Decade of Dead, a 22-minute documentary that celebrates the…
Maps of the Most Popular Baby Names for Girls From 1960 to 2012
Using data from the Social Security Administration, Jezebel has put together a series of color-coded maps that show the most popular baby names for girls…