Coin, A Credit Card-Sized Device That Can Store Up to Eight Credit, Debit, and Membership Cards
Coin is a small device the size of an ordinary credit card that can store up to eight credit, debit, or membership cards. To begin,…
Pete Holmes as Men’s Wearhouse Founder Can’t ‘Guarantee You’re Gonna Like the Way You Look’
“Put on the f*cking suit and love the way you look!” In a new comedy sketch, Pete Holmes takes on the role of Men’s Wearhouse…
The American Museum of Natural History Launches Girl’s Meteoric Career in “Maria and the Dinosaur” Ad
In an ad to promote the mission, exhibitions and education programs available at for the American Museum of Natural History, a young girl’s visit to…
Useful Tips and Tricks For Android Users
In this video, BuzzFeed demonstrates some useful tips for Android users with a Samsung Galaxy S3, like how to invert your smartphone’s screen colors for…
A Compilation of Logan Paul’s Hilarious Vine Videos
Logan Paul creates some hilarious Vine videos as seen here in his compilation video. via BroBible, Gawker
8 Bit Cinema – The Hunger Games Retold in 90 Animated Seconds
CineFix has released a new episode of 8-Bit Cinema that retells the 2012 sci-fi adventure film The Hunger Games in 90 animated seconds. It was…
Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin Explained in Ten Seconds by MinutePhysics
MinutePhysics host Henry Reich begins his new video series “Physics Explained in Ten Seconds” by rapidly explaining the difference between Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin. He…
Nick Offerman’s Mustache Sings & ‘Stachedances’ For Movember
Actor, writer, woodworker, and mustache extraordinaire Nick Offerman has teamed up with Made Man again to help promote this year’s month-long Movember event. In this…
Are Silent Farts Worse Than Audible Farts?
AsapSCIENCE takes on the very important topic of investigating the truth behind “Silent But Deadly” farts.
Yuki the Talking Shiba Inu Says ‘Hello!’
In this 2012 video, Yuki the Shiba Inu dog says “Hello!” when prompted by her owner. Here’s another video of Yuki showing off her tricks:…