A Comedic Animation on the Design of ‘The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past’ and ‘Ocarina of Time’
Arin Hanson, also known as Egoraptor, has created a new animated video in his ongoing “Sequelitis” series that provides a comedic look at the game…
Leonard Solomon Plays a Brilliant Rendition of ‘Light Cavalry Overture’ On His Homemade Callioforte
Leonard Solomon, a wonderfully inventive musician who plays instruments of his own design, performs a brilliant rendition of Franz von Suppé‘s “Light Cavalry Overture” on…
Clever Lovebird Tears Long Strips of Paper to Create Feathers to Attach to Her Short-Tailed Backside
Seemingly unhappy with her short-tailed hindquarters, a very clever lovebird uses her beak to tear long strips of paper to create tail feathers that she…
Unreplied, A Handy Service That Automatically Keeps Track of Sent Email Awaiting a Reply
Unreplied is a handy service by Stefano Bernardi that automatically keeps track of sent email awaiting a reply. The service works with Gmail to label…
Qwerkywriter, A Mechanical USB Keyboard Inspired by Vintage Typewriter Design
The Qwerkywriter is a mechanical USB keyboard by game developer Brian Min with a design and feel inspired by vintage typewriters. Min is currently financing…
Illustrations of Famous Actors Reimagined as Marvel Superheroes by Alex Tuis
Arnold Schwarzenegger as Colossus French artist Alex Tuis has created an awesome collection of illustrations that reimagine famous actors, such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Harvey…
Home Video of Swans Chasing Golfer Turned Into a ‘Game of Thrones’ Ad by Digitally Swapping Out the Swans for Dragons
Movie and television streaming service blinkbox recently took a home video of black swans chasing a golfer and turned it into a great Game of…
Picturelife Photo and Video App Update Includes Better Navigation, Sharing, and Sorting
Picturelife (see previous post) is a photo and video service that can aggregate that content to the cloud. A new update has brought better navigation,…
The Happiness Blanket, A Device That Lights Up Based on How Airline Passengers Are Feeling
The Happiness Blanket is a device by British Airways that lights up based on how airline passengers are feelings. If they are stressed, as measured…
Everything Wrong With the Film ‘Planet of the Apes’ (2001) in 9 Minutes or Less
CinemaSins has released a new video for their ongoing series that hunts down and discovers “Everything Wrong with Planet of the Apes (2001) in 9…