Terrible Fate, An Incredible Animated Fan Film Based on The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask Video Game
Ember Lab and Theophany collaborated to make “Terrible Fate,” an incredible animated fan film based on The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask that acts as…
Wearable Star Wars Sleeping Bags
Selk’bag, a wearable sleepwear system created by Rodrigo Alonso of Musuchouse in Chile, has released a force-filled line of Star Wars character sleeping bags for…
Live Action Footage of a Vault Dweller Performing Slow Motion Fallout Kills for a Bottle of Nuka-Cola
The Slow Mo Guys teamed up with the filmmakers at Corridor Digital to capture awesome live action footage of a thirsty vault dweller (Gavin Free)…
Cookie Monster Trap Remix by Eclectic Method
Eclectic Method created Cookie Monster a trap music remix with the track “Cookie Monster.” Fans can download the track from SoundCloud.
Adrien Brody Saves Christmas on a Train in ‘Come Together’, A Charming Short Film by Wes Anderson
Four New Clever Young Inventors Share Their Fallonventions on The Tonight Show
Host Jimmy Fallon introduced four new clever young inventors during The Tonight Show‘s ongoing “Fallonventions” segment. Cameron Tillou, Sherwood Marks, and sisters Claire and Sadie…
New and Classic Furby Models Cut Open With a Powerful Water Jet to Reveal What’s Inside
Dan and Lincoln Markham of the What’s Inside? channel used a powerful water jet to cut open both a classic Furby and the new Furby…
Ryan Higa and His Friends Dress as Ninjas and Deliver Holiday Gifts to the Homeless
Filmmaker Ryan Higa has created a new video where he and a couple of his friends dress up as ninjas, sneak around town, and hand…
A 3D Printed Camera Lens That Takes Gorgeous and Unique Photos With Interchangeable Bokeh
French filmmaker and photographer Mathieu Stern created a 3D printed camera lens that takes gorgeous and unique photos. The lens also features interchangeable slides that…