Digital Detox’s Device-Free ‘Disconnect To Reconnect’ Spot at Outside Lands 2013
The folks behind tech-free event Camp Grounded, Oakland-based organization Digital Detox, offered a place to power down in the woods of Outside Lands 2013. Festival attendees stepping into their roped-off spot could “disconnect to reconnect” by first turning off their phone and then hammering out notes on manual typewriters, kicking off their shoes, stepping into a yurt to sip some tea, contributing messages to a communal chalkboard and bulletin board, and other ways to have device-free fun. The area was packed with (mostly digital native millennial-aged) people who appeared to be enjoying a slice of a simpler, unplugged world.
More photos from the Digital Detox area at Outside Lands can be found at my Flickr page.
photos by Rusty Blazenhoff