Camino 1.0

Mozilla based Mac browser Camino 1.0 is out and it rocks! In fact, I like it so much, I’ve switched over from Firefox to Camino as my main browser (I used to use it years ago before Firefox was released). It’s lean and clean and works really well. I know, I know, no extensions, no Google toolbar, but who cares when you have a browser that is this fast and doesn’t crash. Now if they would just add a spellcheck feature, it would be perfect. Viva open source!
Camino combines the awesome visual and behavioral experience that has been central to the Macintosh philosophy with the powerful web-browsing capabilities of the Gecko rendering engine. Built and tested by thousands of volunteers, Mozilla’s Gecko brings cutting-edge innovations and capabilities to users in a standards-friendly and socially responsible form.
Here’s a great write-up on Camino from Om Malik, which includes a short interview with the core Camino developers.
UPDATE: I forgot to mention CamiTools, a cool preference pane that adds additional functionality to Camino.