Dog Crosses Busy Street In Russia Using a Crosswalk
This Russian dashcam video captures a dog being a model pedestrian, using the crosswalk to cross the street.
Things You Say To Dogs That’d Be Creepy If You Said To People
BuzzFeed takes a look at how creepy it would be if you said the same things to people that you says to dogs.
10 Year-Old Boy Can Talk Backwards Fluently
10 year-old Cameron has the uncanny ability to talk backwards. In this 2012 video uploaded by his father IIJoII, he is seen talking backwards into…
Cat Popping Water Balloons
Khan the Munchkin cat has fun popping water balloons. Happy Caturday!
Things You No Longer Need Because of Smartphones
BuzzFeed takes a look several things that you no longer need now that you have a smartphone.
Russian Police Choir Sings “Get Lucky” by Daft Punk
Russian Army Choir singing a wonderful cover of “Get Lucky” by Daft Punk. Previously we posted about the Russian Army Choir signing the James Bond…
Useful Mac Tips & Tricks That You May Not Be Aware Of
BuzzFeed shares 6 useful Mac tips and tricks that you may not be aware of.
Skeletor Unleashes a Barrage of Insults
WORLDWIN12 posted a compilation of insults by the villainous Skeletor from the He-Man and the Masters of the Universe animated series. via Boing Boing
Why the Sandwich is the King of Food-Engineering
Why the Sandwich is the King of Food-Engineering by Doghouse Diaries
Raccoon Sitting In a Chair Eating Grapes
Gregz Animationz uploaded this captivating video of a raccoon sitting in a chair feasting on green grapes. via Philip Kaplan