Plastic Infinite, A Vinyl Record and Animation Disc
“Plastic Infinite” is a vinyl record that doubles as a phenakistoscope-style animation disc. It was created by director and animator Reuben Sutherland and musician Dan…
Geographically Corrected Transit Maps
New York City MTA Benjamin Schmidt has distorted the transit maps of several East Coast cities to show how they would look if they were…
Brooklyn Video Store Owner Talks About Running a Successful Store in the Netflix Era
Video Free Brooklyn proprietor Aaron Hillis talks about running a successful video store in the age of Netflix in “The Last Video Store” by filmmaker…
Conan O’Brien Tries to Sell Conan Memorabilia to a Pawn Shop
Conan O’Brien tries to sell some of his bizarre Conan-related memorabilia to a Southern California pawn shop with mixed results in this hilarious clip from…
Dear Reader: The Unauthorized Autobiography of Kim Jong Il by Michael Malice is Now Available
Dear Reader: The Unauthorized Autobiography of Kim Jong Il is a biography of Kim Jong Il that consists of the North Korean dictator’s own words,…
Terrifying Helmet Cam Video of an Unconscious Skydiver Being Rescued in Mid-Air by Fellow Jumpers
Shortly after leaping out of an airplane during a group skydiving jump in England, veteran skydiver James Lee collided with a fellow jumper and was…
A Soda Can Imploding in Super Slow Motion
In his latest video, Grant Thompson (aka “The King of Random”) places an empty soda can in a basin of ice water and records the…
South Korean Video Bloggers Livestream Themselves Eating Dinner as Thousands Watch
“Broadcast eating” is a South Korean online phenomenon in which video bloggers live-stream themselves eating dinner while chatting with their online followers. One of the…
The Last Cavalier, Upcoming Graphic Novel About a Modern-Day Templar Knight
The Last Cavalier is an upcoming graphic novel that tells the tale of Michael Cross, an art historian who becomes a modern-day Templar knight. The…
Man Pretends To Be Shot by Characters in Violent Film and TV Ad Posters
In his “Head Shots” photo series, New York City-based artist Jon Burgerman poses next to advertising posters for violent movies and TV shows and pretends…