The Least Viral Videos of 2012: A Retrospective by Conan
“Wake your sleeping dad, grab your shoe polish, and take a gander.” The Conan show reveals the top 5 least viral videos of 2012.
Dogs Singing Silent Night
“There is nothing quite like dogs singing silent night.” In this holiday video message from dog breath brush company Orapup, dogs “sing” the Christmas carol…
Spider-Man Catches Obama in His Web
Super Awesome Trading Cards by Archie McPhee
“…he could do math without using his fingers.” Super Awesome Trading Cards by Archie McPhee are really just that: a set of trading cards (complete…
Sitegeist, A Visual Information App to Uncover the Data Around You
Gender and political contribution information generated from public data about my neighborhood. Sitegeist is an app designed by the Sunlight Foundation to “uncover the data…
Baby, The iPhone is Worth Your Time
KSL Newsradio talk show hosts Jay McFarland and Amy Iverson give the classic holiday song “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” a modern Apple-friendly interpretation in “Baby,…
Shockheaded Peter, Rare 1955 German Film as Reworked by Rev. Al “Published in 1845, “Der Struwwelpeter”…tells stories of bad children suffering the consequences of their bad behaviors.” As a holiday gift to his fans, Rev.…
A Very Special Christmas Party with Arnold Schwarzenegger (1988)
Everything is Terrible has remixed VHS footage from A Very Special Christmas Party, a circa 1988 holiday special starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mike Tyson, Randy Travis,…
Laser Cut Gingerbread Houses
Hack A Day recently featured a series of laser cut gingerbread houses created by members of the Madison, Wisconsin hackerspace, Sector67. Using flat sheets of…
Sentient Kitchen, Fleshy Kitchen Accessories That Look Like Body Parts
“Milk Jug” Sentient Kitchen is a project by New York-based artist Christine Chin that she describes as “fleshy kitchen accessories.” Each one is a creepy…