Rusty Blazenhoff

Rusty Blazenhoff

Carol of the Mehs by Glove and Boots

“Meh-meh MEHmeh! MehmehmehMEH!” “Carols of the Mehs” is a cheerful ditty by The Glove and Boots puppets. It’s from their Christmas album, Gorilla Sings Your…

Modern Night

A Modern Night Before Christmas

“Amazon boxes were piled haphazardly, In the hopes that someone might wrap them eventually…” CollegeHumor has posted “A Modern Night Before Christmas,” an animated short…

Eggnog Marshmallows

How to Make Booze-Filled Eggnog Marshmallows

Jasmin Fine of 1 Fine Cookie has posted a recipe for Eggnog Marshmallows, sweet (and optionally, booze-filled) handcrafted marshmallows made with leftover eggnog. photo by…


Cut Feather Shadowboxes by Chris Maynard

“Amazon and Macaw feathers” Artist Chris Maynard of Feather Folio uses surgical instruments to make his beautiful cut feather shadowboxes. By highlighting aspects of a…