TRNSPRTNATION, Typographic Transit MapsE.D.W. LynchAugust 24, 2011 “TRNSPRTNATION” is a series of typographic transit maps by Fadeout Design. The transit lines are made up of strings of text that list the stations of the transit system. Related Posts E.D.W. Lynch Writer and humor generalist on the Internet and on Facebook. Recent Posts A Jaunty Cover of the Black Sabbath Song ‘Iron Man’ Played on Medieval Instruments Felicity Jones Reads Emma Thompson’s Fierce 2019 Letter About Misogyny in Hollywood Walton Goggins Gives a Tour of His 1920s Prohibition Era Scottish Lodge in Hudson Valley, New York Tiny Rescued Bird Comforts Clients While They’re Getting Tattooed American Searches for the Best Croissant in Paris Why it Would Be Impossible to Build a Billion Story Skyscraper Managed WordPress at Laughing Squid Hosting host your website with Laughing Squid