Bored Game, A Parody Commercial for a Fake Mashup Board Game From the 1980 and 1990s

Never be bored again!

Brooklyn-based Dark Igloo and M ss ng P eces production company have created “Bored Game,” a magical parody commercial for a fake mashup board game from the 1980 and 1990s. They combined together old school board games, superhero and villain action figures, and classic video game accesories to bring their amazing board game to life. It, of course, comes complete with a quirky game wizard.

We made this thing purely for the fun of it. A silly idea filled with amazing opportunities to study 90’s commercials, design a wizard, work with talented friends and pour dry ice into a miniature dungeon. Most of the games were recovered from Mark’s attic back home in Goshen, Indiana. The rest was sourced from some deep ebaying, and shout out to Jay at for the custom, delicious dice. Apart from our usual prop-obssessing, Bored Game allowed us really dive into character design in a new way. We had the best time designing Bordak the Game Wizard™ with with AB FX Studio and his clothes with Mary Jane Lane.

Bored Game

Bored Game

video and images via Dark Igloo

submitted via Laughing Squid Tips

Justin Page
Justin Page

I'm a geeky artist/blogger who loves his life, wife, two identical twin girls, family, friends, and job.