Whimsical Photos That Capture a Pair of Hands Performing a Variety of Tasks Under Different Circumstances

Hands - Pottery

Indonesian artist Romo Jack literally gets his hands dirty with the whimsical #whatmyhandsdoing, a project in which he photographs his own hands performing a variety of tasks under varying circumstances. Romo Jack talked about his creative concept in an interview with the Instagram Blog.

Just like how my eyes are always seeing from the time I wake up from bed to the time I fall back asleep, my hands are also doing something every second. There might be thousands, even millions of things our hands have got to do. …I’m a sucker when it comes to secondhand items, I believe they can be recreated into something more valuable, and the important thing is to collect them first. …I found out that you don’t need to spend too much time just imagining about a concept, which might lead you to do nothing in the end. The more important thing is to take a look around us and just do it!

Hands - Puppets


Hands - Tattoo

Hands - Socks

Hands  - Colored Stripes

images via Romo Jack

via Instagram Blog

Lori Dorn
Lori Dorn

Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.