Sword Handle Umbrellas

Sword Handle Umbrella

Samurai Sword Handle Umbrella

Broadsword Handle Umbrella

Who knew that Civil Discontentance was a thing (ahem), but Umbrellas for the Civil but Discontent Man are implements of foul weather weaponry for the metromartial males amongst us. Created by Chicago design duo Materious a few years ago, you can find the Broadsword and Samurai sword versions on sale at ThinkGeek and elsewhere.

Umbrellas for the Civil but Discontent Man combines a symbol of gentlemanly refinement—the full-sized, dark umbrella—with an element of more manly sword-bearing times. The umbrellas offer brief psychological respite from the dictates of social amiability; aggressive fantasies are allowed and encouraged on the daily commute to the office. The effete civilian’s grasp of the handle takes him into the world of the masterful samurai, the medieval barbarian, or the triumphant cavalryman.

Materious’ latest project is a clever puzzle tray:

photos by Materious & ThinkGeek


Actor, nerd, poet, producer, writer mikl-em made his name short so you wouldn't have to. In addition to his blog you can find his writing in "Hi Fructose" magazine and witness him almost life-sized in various plays at The Dark Room Theater in SF's Mission district.

He tends to write about theater, humor, San Francisco culture and history, and stuff that's just plain weird. He thanks Scott for sharing the keys to the Laughing Squid virtual HQ and promises to uphold whatever it is that the mirthful cephalopod would prefer to be uplifted.