Speeches of British Politicians Running for Prime Minister Remixed Into a Rap About Income Inequality

“Take every penny from the hands of the many, And give everything to the few.”

A recent video by Cassetteboy remixes speeches by British politicians David CameronEd Miliband, and Nick Clegg running in the upcoming election for Prime Minister into a rap about income inequality in the country. The song, titled “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” is meant to promote the upcoming documentary of the same name.

The Emperor’s New Clothes is a documentary by comedian and activist Russell Brand and director Michael Winterbottom. It focuses on the issue of income inequality in the United Kingdom. It is scheduled to be released in theaters in the United Kingdom on April 21, 2015. Special screenings held that day will also feature a Q&A with the filmmakers.

The Emporer's New Clothes

image via The Emperor’s New Clothes

Glen Tickle
Glen Tickle

Amelia's dad. Steph's husband. Writer, comedian, gentleman. Good at juggling, bad at chess.