SPACE! The Gallery Show, An Art Show Tribute to the Universe at Gallery1988 West in Los Angeles

Encounters at the Edge of the Multiverse by Laura Bifano

Encounters at the Edge of the Multiverse” by Laura Bifano

SPACE! The Gallery Show is an upcoming group art show, curated by artist Mike Mitchell, at Gallery1988 (West) in Los Angeles that will feature a collection of original artwork celebrating the history and future of our amazing universe.

:) by Mike Mitchell

:)” by Mike Mitchell

Starstuff by N.C. Winters

Starstuff” by N.C. Winters

by Emily Partridge

Untitled” by Emily Partridge

Sky Rockets in Flight by Aled Lewis
Sky Rockets in Flight by Aled Lewis

“Sky Rockets in Flight” by Aled Lewis

The Cosmos by Scott Campbell

The Cosmos” by Scott Campbell

by Dave Correia

Untitled” by Dave Correia

Space! by Joe Van Wetering

Space!” by Joe Van Wetering

We Must Be Bold by Bennett Slater

We Must Be Bold” by Bennett Slater

Justin Page
Justin Page

I'm a geeky artist/blogger who loves his life, wife, two identical twin girls, family, friends, and job.