SCiO, A Portable Consumer Molecular Scanner That Can be Used With Food, Plants and Medications

SCiO is a palm-sized spectrometer for consumers that scans a range of objects including food, plants, plastics and wood to gain information through their molecular footprint. Using the smartphone-enabled device, consumers get quick access to information like nutritional facts, the health of plants, the ripeness of fruits and vegetables and the authenticity of medications.

With every scan, SCiO learns more about the world around us, so we can all get smarter. Our development team has taught SCiO some exciting things, like to tell how much fat is in any salad dressing, how much sugar is in a particular piece of fruit, how pure an oil is and lots more.

The product was funding in part by Kickstarter pledges.




images via SCiO

submitted via Laughing Squid Tips

Brian Heater
Brian Heater