Rust-Oleum NeverWet, Superhydrophobic Coating That Makes Everyday Materials Repel Liquid

Rust-Oleum NeverWet is a new superhydrophobic spray that makes everyday materials incredibly moisture- and stain-resistant. NeverWet contains nano-particles that create a coating on which water beads in near perfect spheres, causing it to glide off the surface with almost no friction. The coating can be applied to a variety of materials, including metal, wood, fabric, leather, and cardboard. It can even be used to waterproof an iPhone. The two-spray system was produced by Rust-Oleum in partnership with the nano-technology’s developer, NeverWet. For more on the coating, see this article by Lancaster Online.

E.D.W. Lynch
E.D.W. Lynch

Writer and humor generalist on the Internet and on Facebook.