Release the Kraken! Art Show Featuring Legendary Sea Monster

Norse mythology tells of the Kraken, a legendary sea-dwelling monster that was said to devour ships, whales and humans. Although most likely the story stems from sightings of a giant squid, the legend of this sea beast lives on in San Diego’s Subtext Gallery at their Release the Kraken! art exhibition celebrating their fifth anniversary.

This found art concept show features “vintage aquatic paintings re-imagined by over 30 artists”:

Each artist was given a painting with a body of water in it, and then asked to “Kraken-ize” it by adding some sea monsters, hydro-creatures or aquatic beasts of their liking.

Release the Kraken! opened on August 12, 2011 and will run until September 11, 2011. A PDF preview of the entire show with a price list is available.

via Hi Fructose

images via Subtext Gallery and Hi Fructose

Rusty Blazenhoff
Rusty Blazenhoff