Portal 2 Companion Cube Ice Tray

Portal 2 Companion Cube Ice Tray at ThinkGeek

The Portal 2 Companion Cube Ice Tray at ThinkGeek, much like the Star Wars themed ice cube trays, allows you to create a frozen piece of the Portal video game universe, in the shape of Companion Cube. It is available to purchase at ThinkGeek. We have previously written about ThinkGeek and their online store that is packed full of geeky gear.

You found yourself some water, which was surprisingly difficult, but it’s warm. Hot, actually, because it came from a cooling tank for the incinerator. The incinerator reminds you of your old friend Companion Cube. While you’re reminiscing, GLaDOS calls out and says she has a surprise for you. She leads you to the freezer and shows you something that brings a tear to your eyes: a tray of Companion Ice Cubes. Your drink won’t scald you any longer and you finally have a friend at the party.

Portal 2 Companion Cube Ice Tray at ThinkGeek

Portal 2 Companion Cube Ice Tray at ThinkGeek

images via ThinkGeek

via ThinkGeek

Justin Page
Justin Page

I'm a geeky artist/blogger who loves his life, wife, two identical twin girls, family, friends, and job.