Plush Kitten Bouquet

Plush Kitten Bouquet

The Plush Kitten Bouquet is a collection of nine, blue-eyed stuffed kittens arranged in the style of a beautiful, fuzzy bouquet. Each set comes with three orange tabby kittens, three grey tabby kittens, and three white kittens mounted on wooden dowels. The Plush Kitten Bouquet is available to purchase online at ThinkGeek.

We’ve never understood why tradition dictates that we give soon-to-be-dead flora to the person we hope to have around for a forever-and-ever relationship. It’s really silly if you think about it. We’d much prefer a potted plant that we can see grow year after year or a kindle of kittens. (That’s right. Cats had the word before Jeff Bezos.)

Plush Kitten Bouquet

Plush Kitten Bouquet

images via ThinkGeek

Kimber Streams
Kimber Streams