Bobo the Bear Helps a Little Boy Find His Ears in a Clip From Disney Junior’s ‘Muppet Moments’April 29, 2015
The Muppets Perform a Musical Version of the Declaration of Independence on the 4th of JulyJuly 4, 2015
‘The Big Bang Theory’ Co-Creator is Looking to Bring Back Muppets Television Series on ABCApril 4, 2015
Behind the Scenes Photographs Capture a Visit to the Set of ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ by Jim Henson and the MuppetsFebruary 3, 2015
Newly Discovered Frog Species ‘Hyalinobatrachium dianae’ Bears a Striking Resemblance to Kermit the FrogApril 21, 2015
Vsauce3 and The Muppets Explain What Might Happen if the Speedy Marvel Superhero Quicksilver Ran ByApril 8, 2015
‘The Human Show’, A Dark and Bizarre Parody of ‘The Muppet Show’ With Human Corpses as the PuppetsNovember 28, 2014