MixBit, A Video Recording and Editing App by the Creators of YouTube

Chad Hurley and Steve Chen — the creators of YouTube and founders of Avos Systems — have launched MixBit, a video recording app to rival Vine and Instagram that focuses heavily on the ability to edit and remix content. MixBit allows users to record up to 16 seconds of video at a time and encourages users to create longer videos from these short clips using their own content or even videos shot by other users on the site. Unlike YouTube, MixBit’s community is currently completely anonymous and doesn’t attach usernames to videos or allow users to comment on them. However, in an interview with The New York Times Bits, Hurley said that MixBit would be adding identity features in the future. The app is currently available to download from the iTunes App Store and an Android version is in development.


Kimber Streams
Kimber Streams