Kitchen and Back Yard, Full-Scale Replicas of Rooms Covered in Millions of Glass Beads


Bead artist Liza Lou created “Kitchen” and “Back Yard,” two full-scale replicas that are entirely covered in millions of sparkling glass beads. Lou began work on “Kitchen” in 1991 and completed it five years later. Each bead covering the tablecloth, a bag of potato chips, and other objects in the room was painstakingly hand-glued with a set of tweezers. “Back Yard” was created between 1996 and 1999 and features sparkling glass-beaded trees, grass, and even a lawnmower and grill. For more photos of “Kitchen,” “Back Yard,” and Lou’s other work, head over to her website.



Back Yard

Back Yard

images via Liza Lou

Kimber Streams
Kimber Streams