John Oliver Hilariously Reads Aloud Insulting Comments Made About Him on YouTube

In his first video since the holiday break, the wonderfully acerbic John Oliver hilariously read aloud various comments that have been made about him on YouTube and verbally turned them around so they instead, looked upon him rather favorably.

Our show is uniquely boring, which again is not an insult it’s not. For something to be both unique and boring is a true feat. It’s a phrase that I would reserve for something exceptional like a Ken Burns documentary about snails. But of all the comments I read, one stood out above all the others and really made me feel good about my career choice and that comment laid out a challenge – a challenge I’m prepared to take on because this comment read ‘John Oliver I’ll bet you one zillion dollars that you won’t feature this comment in a video’. Well touché anonymous… pay up, pay up and to the rest of you i will see you never. I don’t need this shit anymore, I’m a zillionaire now.

Lori Dorn
Lori Dorn

Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.