Clever Dungeon Master Uses a Projector to Combine Physical and Digital ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ Maps

D&D Digital Map

Silverlight, who also happens to be a developer for the digital tabletop gaming platform Roll20, ran a group of Dungeons and Dragons players through the 5th Edition Starter Set using a hybrid physical and digital map created with a regular map, physical figurines, and the projection of a digital one managed within Roll20. The combination made for a fascinating session.

I recently ran a group of newbies through the new Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Starter Set. I wanted to do something really fun to get them engaged in the game and capture their attention, so I decided to set up a “hybrid” tabletop. The battle mat (map, drawings, etc.) is digital via a projector that I already owned, and then players had physical minis to represent themselves and the monsters they encountered.

D&D Digital Map

D&D Digital Map

D&D Digital Map

D&D Digital Map

Rollin Bishop
Rollin Bishop