The Muppet Show: Sex and Violence, Early TV Pilot Aimed at Adults

The Muppet Show Postcard

Postcard sent to press and friends to announce the air date.

In 1975, a half-hour variety show titled The Muppet Show: Sex and Violence piloted on ABC television but it was going after an older audience. According to Muppet Wiki, it was a “parody the proliferation of sex and violence on television”. There’s a lot of interesting things going on in the pilot (I believe I see a Jim Henson-looking Muppet playing the banjo in the end credits) and definitely worth checking out. It is not truly an early version of the The Muppet Show but it definitely shares elements and might be considered more of a first draft. The Onion’s AV Club goes into more details about this pilot and the other similar pilot, The Muppets Valentine Show.

The Muppet Show - Sex and Violence

The Muppet Show: Sex and Violence: Nigel, Sam the Eagle and Floyd Pepper.

The Muppet Show TV Guide

March 15, 1975 TV Guide Nevada edition ad

via Dangerous Minds

images via Muppet Wiki

Rusty Blazenhoff
Rusty Blazenhoff