The Dumpster Project, A Professor Living in a Dumpster for a Year in a Sustainable Living Experiment

Since February 4th, 2014, Dr. Jeff Wilson has been living in a 33-square-foot dumpster for The Dumpster Project, an ongoing experiment in minimalist living at Huston-Tillotson University in Austin. During the course of the project, Wilson and his students will be continually upgrading the dumpster through three distinct design phases: dumpster camping, average American dumpster home, and über dumpster. The current edition of the dumpster — phase two — features air conditioning, basic appliances and amenities, and water and power connections. The über dumpster, which will feature a pop-up second story and a folding balcony, is expected to launch in 2015. Wilson has committed to living in the dumpster for a full year. The project can be followed on Instagram.

The Dumpster Project

The Dumpster Project

The Dumpster Project

The Dumpster Project

photos via The Atlantic

via The Atlantic

E.D.W. Lynch
E.D.W. Lynch

Writer and humor generalist on the Internet and on Facebook.