Strange Attractors, A Book That Envisions How Aliens Might Have Sex

Strange Attractors: Investigations in Non-Humanoid Extraterrestrial Sexualities

Strange Attractors: Investigations in Non-Humanoid Extraterrestrial Sexualities is an upcoming book and DVD that explore alien sexuality through art, film, and “speculative science.” The book is not about human-alien sex, a subject that has already been explored in great detail, judging by the 1.9 million Google search results for that term.

Strange Attractors is a collaboration between the The Institute of Extraterrestrial Sexuality and publisher Encyclopedia Destructica. They are raising funds for the project on Kickstarter.

Inspired by Kepler’s voyage into deep space on a quest for earth-like planets, this project has gone beyond male and female, beyond queer, beyond any notion of gender, beyond the anthropomorphic to erotic possibilities as vastly varied as the universe itself. Discover what kinds of sentient beings, what types of sexualities, how many erogenous zones and types of erotic pleasure might exist out there in the universe!

via Kickstarter

image via The Institute of Extraterrestrial Sexuality

E.D.W. Lynch
E.D.W. Lynch

Writer and humor generalist on the Internet and on Facebook.