Apollo 1201 Project, A Mission to Eliminate Digital Rights Management Within a Decade

Apollo 1201 Project

The Apollo 1201 Project is a mission–spearheaded by author and Boing Boing editor Cory Doctorow–to eliminate digital rights management (DRM) within a decade. The name of the project specifically refers to both the Apollo space missions to the Moon (the culmination of a decade-long plan) and section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), which refers to unlocking DRM.

The details of the project are still under wraps, but in broad strokes, we will use the incredible skills of EFF’s lawyers, technologists, and policy specialists to challenge the law that protects DRM, section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, and, in so doing, set in motion a chain of events that will discredit the whole idea of designing computers to control their owners, for any purpose.

In order to more closely work with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) on the project, Doctorow is rejoining the organization and going half-time at Boing Boing.

image via Boing Boing

Rollin Bishop
Rollin Bishop